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Rock Paper Scissors

Swapnil-Singh-99's github profile

Rock Paper Scissors Game created using html, css, javascript

Password Generator

AmanSingh6574's github profile

About Generate the password automatically according to the given conditions such as include uppercase, lowercase letters, no of password required, etc. It also checks for the strength of the password generated and indicates it with geen and red colors


priyankarpal's github profile

Projectshut is an open source web app that enables users to freely publish their projects and create user profiles within the platform

Simon Game

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

Memory matching game. Fully responsive React project.

File Zipping Software

neekamhrzn's github profile

Loseless Compression reduces file's size with no loss of quality. This project takes in .txt file as input and produces .huf file which takes less storage space. It also converts .huf file into original .txt file.

Discord Clone

ratishjain12's github profile

A Fully Responsive Discord Landing Page UI Clone with animations

Jp-Shop (E-commerce)

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

e-Commerce that consumes an API to fetch products. Features include a sign in, product filtering, skeleton screens, and pagination

Self Hosting - Pi Server

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

Setup a home server using a Raspberry Pi


sagar1621's github profile

The website provides a platform for users to search for exercises by body part, view exercise details, and watch related exercise videos using YouTube API from RapidAPI.


Sahilll15's github profile

FileDrop is a feature-rich File Sharing Application built with ReactJS, NodeJS, and JWT authentication. Securely share files with friends and colleagues using this powerful platform, which also utilizes JavaScript and EJS templating.